French Textbook Vocabulary Corpus Files
Part of my PhD project investigated the frequency rates of vocabulary words included in the end of chapter lists of university textbooks of French for first and second year courses. The following text files encoded as UTF-8 include all of the types - rather than tokens - found in each textbook's active vocabulary lists. The words have been lemmatized to correspond to specifications of A Frequency Dictionary of French: Core Vocabulary for Learners (i.e. adjectives are in the masculine singular form, verbs are in the infinitive form, hyphens have been removed from compound words, etc.) which was used in the analysis. Researchers, feel free to use these files in your own corpus-based work. You can also download my dissertation, Vocabulary, Variation, and Culture in American University Textbooks of French, as a PDF.
First Year Textbooks
À Vous: The Global French Experience. 2nd ed. (2012).
Chez Nous: Branché sur le monde francophone. 4th ed. (2009).
Contacts: Langue et culture françaises. 8th ed. (2009).
Deux Mondes: A Communicative Approach. 6th ed. (2009).
En Avant: Beginning French. 1st ed. (2012).
Entre Amis: An Interactive Approach. 6th ed. (2013).
Espaces: Rendez-vous avec le monde francophone. 2nd ed. (2011).
Français-Monde: Connectez-vous à la francophonie. 1st ed. (2010).
Liaisons: An Introduction to French. 1st ed. (2013).
Mais Oui!: Introductory French and Francophone Culture. 5th ed. (2013).
Vis-à-Vis: Beginning French. 5th ed. (2011).
Voilà: An Introduction to French. 6th ed. (2010).
Second Year Textbooks
Interaction: Langue et culture. 8th ed. (2012).
Intrigue: Langue, culture et mystère dans le monde francophone. 3rd ed. (2011).
Personnages: An Intermediate Course in French Language and Francophone Culture. 4th ed. (2010).
Séquences: Intermediate French through Film. 2nd ed. (2013).