D2L Brightspace Tips: Sample Question Import CSV File

To bulk add questions to D2L quizzes, download the template CSV file . This file is also linked under Add/Edit Questions -> Import -> Upload a File when editing a quiz in D2L. This is where you will upload your CSV file once you've entered your questions. Make sure the CSV file is saved as UTF-8 if you are using any non-ASCII characters.

Seven question types are supported in the CSV upload: Written Response, Short Answer, Matching, Multiple Choice, True/False, Multiselect, and Ordering.

If you are using any images in your quiz questions, it is easiest to create an images folder in the root level of your course in Manage Files and upload all images to this folder. You will need to add alt text manually to each image later.

It is possible to use LaTex equations in the CSV file for both questions and answer choices and the D2L editor will render the equation properly. HTML can be used with most text in quiz questions, but it will not work in the question title or the correct answers in a short answer question. Enter HTML in the column immediately following the text you want to format. (Leave this column blank or enter anything but HTML if you did not use HTML in the preceding column.)

Fields Used in All Question Types

NewQuestion - Enter the abbreviation for the question type: WR for Written Response, SA for Short Answer, M for Matching, MC for Multiple Choice, TF for True/False, MS for Multiselect, or O for Ordering.

ID - You can leave this blank and the system will auto-assign an ID to the question.

Title - Enter the text you want to display as the question name. It will also be used as the Short Description in D2L. Students do not see this.

QuestionText - Enter the text you want the student to see for the question. Enter HTML in the third column if you used HTML code in the question text in the second column.

Points - Enter the number of points the question is worth. Default is 1 point if this is left blank.

Difficulty - Enter a number between 1 and 5 with higher numbers being more difficult. Students do not see this.

Image - Any image referenced assumes image is inside an images folder in the Manage Files area. Follow images/ with the filename of the image. If no image, leave blank.

Hint - Enter the text that you want to be displayed for the hint. Students will see the hint text as part of the question prompt and will have it available before selecting a response. Enter HTML in the next column if you used HTML code in your hint. If a hint is not needed, leave blank.

Feedback - Enter the text that you want to be displayed for the feedback. Students will not see feedback while taking the quiz. Enter HTML in the next column if you used HTML code in your feedback. If overall feedback is not needed, leave blank.

1. Written Response

InitialText - This text will show in the text entry box when students take the quiz. They can erase it or keep it as part of their response.

AnswerKey - Include the ideal response for the question, to help your graders. Students do not see this.

It is not currently possible to Enable HTML Editor for learner responses or Enable inserted images and attachments (which allows for file uploads or recording audio within a quiz) in the CSV file.

2. Short Answer

InputBox - In the second column, enter the number of rows you want (e.g., 3) and in the third column, the number of characters you want per row (e.g., 40).

Answer - The second column was used for percentages to award full or partial credit, but this is no longer used in D2L. You can leave the second column blank. In the third column, enter the text that is the best answer for the question.

You can add more correct answers by adding more Answer rows.

In the fourth column of the Answer row, use regexp to indicate that you have used regular expressions in the text for possible answers in the third column. Alternatively, you can also specify sensitive or insensitive to set case sensitivity. If left blank, the default is case insensitive. You must use the same option for all Answer rows, or only the option entered in the last Answer row will be used. Note that if any fourth column cells are left blank in the Answer rows, it will default to insensitive.

It is not currently possible to add more Blanks or specify how points are assigned to these blanks for Short Answer questions in the CSV file.

3. Matching

Scoring - Enter one of the following: EquallyWeighted, AllOrNothing, RightMinusWrong (default is AllOrNothing if left blank)

Choice - In the second column enter the choice number (e.g., 1). In the third column, enter the text for that choice.
Choice - In the second column enter the choice number (e.g., 2). In the third column, enter the text for that choice.
Choice - In the second column enter the choice number (e.g., 3). In the third column, enter the text for that choice.

Match - In the second column, enter the choice number that you want to match with (e.g., 3). In the third column, enter the text for that match.
Match - In the second column, enter the choice number that you want to match with (e.g., 1). In the third column, enter the text for that match.
Match - In the second column, enter the choice number that you want to match with (e.g., 2). In the third column, enter the text for that match.

Enter HTML in the fourth column if you used HTML code in the third column for any of the Choices or Matches; otherwise leave blank.

4. Multiple Choice

Option - In the second column, enter the percentage of points you want to award for the answer (e.g., 100 for full credit, 50 for partial credit, or 0 for an incorrect answer). In the third column, enter the text for that choice. Enter HTML in the fourth column if you used HTML code in the third column; otherwise leave blank. In the fifth, enter any feedback for that option that you want to provide after the student responds. Enter HTML in the sixth column if you used HTML code in the fifth column; otherwise leave blank.

Enter as many Option rows as you need.

5. True/False

True - In the second column, enter 100 for a correct answer or 0 for an incorrect answer. In the third column, enter the feedback the student would see if they pick “True.” Enter HTML in the fourth column if you used HTML code in the third column; otherwise leave blank.

False - In the second column, enter 100 for a correct answer or 0 for an incorrect answer. In the third column, enter the feedback the student would see if they pick “False.” Enter HTML in the fourth column if you used HTML code in the third column; otherwise leave blank.

6. Multiselect

Scoring - Enter one of the following: AllOrNothing, RightAnswers, RightMinusWrong, CorrectAnswersLimitedSelections (default is AllOrNothing if left blank). Note that RightAnswers is labeled as Correct Selections when creating the question in D2L.

Option - In the second column, put a 1 for a correct answer or a 0 for an incorrect answer. In the third column, enter the text for that choice. Enter HTML in the fourth column if you used HTML code in the third column; otherwise leave blank. In the fifth, enter any feedback you want to provide after the student responds. Enter HTML in the sixth column if you used HTML code in the fifth column; otherwise leave blank.

Enter as many Option rows as you need.

7. Ordering

Scoring - Enter one of the following: EquallyWeighted, AllOrNothing, RightMinusWrong (default is AllOrNothing if left blank)

Item - In the second column, put the text for the item. Enter HTML in the third column if you used HTML code in the second column; otherwise leave blank. In the fourth column, enter any feedback you want to provide after the student responds. Enter HTML in the fifth column if you used HTML code in the fourth column; otherwise leave blank.

Enter as many Item rows as you need (at least two are required) in the correct order.

Although it is not possible to randomize the order of the answer choices for multiple choice or multiselect questions with the CSV file or as a bulk action on several questions within D2L, there is a bulk randomize workaround.