D2L Brightspace Tips

The following pages include tips, instructions, and workarounds for several D2L tools and features that I did not find documented elsewhere. A few of the topics include accompanying videos to show the steps to follow.

  1. HTML Tricks
  2. CSS Tricks
  3. Content Templates
  4. Sample Question Import CSV File
  5. Bulk Randomize Answer Order Workaround includes a video
  6. Download/Export Quiz Questions
  7. Change Quiz Question Pools to Sections
  8. Change Quiz Points to Fix Grades includes a video
  9. Change Assignment Points to Fix Grades includes a video
  10. Self-Enroll Groups as Sign-Up Sheets includes a video
  11. Better Survey Reports includes a video
  12. Intelligent Agent Exports: Add Emails and NOT Conditions includes a video
  13. Mastery View Data Export and Pivot includes a video
  14. Brightspace Data Sets Corrections

Michigan State University D2L Tips

I created the following quick tip videos mostly covering features specifically found in Michigan State University's instance of D2L, but they may be helpful to other D2L users. (The following links open in a new tab or window.)

  1. Semester Start Tips for D2L Courses
  2. Preview Your D2L Course: View as Student vs. Impersonate Demo Student
  3. Upload Grades to D2L from a Spreadsheet
  4. Create a 4.0 GPA Scheme to Submit Final Grades from D2L