Conference Presentations

Did you say 'Content Templates with Flipcards and Knowledge Checks?' D2L Fusion 2022. Boston, USA, July 2022. Co-presented with Susan Halick. Presentation slides and content templates.

Consistent Course Design Matters - Start with a Ready-Made Course Template. Spring Conference on Teaching, Learning, and Student Success. Michigan State University, USA, May 2021. Co-presented with Susan Halick and Cholani Weebadde.

Authenticity and Technology: Variation in French Textbook Packages. 17th World Congress of the International Association of Applied Linguistics. Brisbane, Australia, August 2014.

Adventures on Easter Island: Representations of Rapanui in Franco-Belgian Bandes Dessinées. New Zealand Studies Association: Across the Pacific conference. Oslo, Norway, June 2014.

The Representation of Francophone Cultures in French Language Textbooks. International Doctoral Seminar on the Teaching of Languages and Cultures. Paris, France, June 2014.

Formality and Francophonie: Stylistic and geographic variation in university textbooks of French. Applied Linguistics Association of Australia & Applied Linguistics Association of New Zealand conference. Wellington, New Zealand, November 2013.

The Vocabulary Coverage of French Textbooks. Federation of Associations of Teachers of French in Australia conference. Perth, Australia, April 2012.

Tutors, Training and Border Crossings: Beyond the Textual Relationship. European Writing Centers Association conference. Freiburg, Germany, June 2008. Co-presented with Martha Jerrim.